private String smsGatewayUserId = "";
private String smsGatewayPassword = "";
private String smsGatewayURL = "";
private String urlEncoding = "UTF-8";
private String smsGatewaySID = "";
private static String csvFilePath = "/var/www/";
public String getMessage(String ar[]) {
return null;
public String sendSMS(String mobileNo, String msg) {
TechA2Zsolution provide IT programming skill to learn like (Java, Spring framework, struts2, log4j etc ). With enhancement of technical skills.
Send SMS Using Java
Creating SVN Repository In UBUNTU (Linux) System
1) Up-to-Date Installed Packages
you need to run svn subversion and it's tools by using commands
creating svn directory, where you want to configure svn.
sudo apt-get update2) Downloading the Subversion, Subversion Tools and Libapache2 packages
you need to run svn subversion and it's tools by using commands
sudo apt-get install subversion subversion-tools libapache2-svn3) Creating Subversion (SVN) Directory
creating svn directory, where you want to configure svn.
sudo mkdir /home/svn
Maths Server Using Socket Programming
It is time to implement a more comprehensive network application by using the socket programming APIs you have learned so far. A sample math client-server interaction demonstrating online math server that can perform basic math operations,
package com.techa2zsolution.intf.math;
public interface MathService {
public double add(double firstValue, double secondValue);
public double sub(double firstValue, double secondValue);
public double div(double firstValue, double secondValue);
public double mul(double firstValue, double secondValue);